Friday, October 3, 2014

Every winter night when I sit by the fireplace with my needles and yarn, cuddled up in my sweatpants, sweatshirt and fuzzy socks, I’m comforted.

Sitting here, is when I watch the flames dance around and mesmerize anything that comes near them. Watching as the glowing aura of the fire flickers in the room, I work on perfecting my current creation. Finding comfort next to the fireplace may not be for everyone--but it’s my cup of tea. Watching the flames and being thawed from the cold winter air, is how I spend all of my winter nights. On those anticipated snow days, I don’t go out and have snow ball fights and build snowmen, I sit by the fireplace and knit.  The cold winter nights where you have quality family time sharing how the day went and telling stories, is where I like to spend my time knitting. Each one of my creations have memories. Each one has a special story of it’s own that is woven into it. It’s those stories, that make each of my projects special to me. It’s that fireplace that creates those memories. It’s those nights, that have a lasting impression on me forever.

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