All About Me

I could go through the usual “Hi, my name is Maddie, seventeen, and live in Saint Joseph, Michigan” kind of stuff. But, I want you to know me on a more personal level. I come from a split home and just like every other typical teenager, I love to eat junk food and stay up until the wee hours of the morning, but then sleep until two o'clock in the afternoon.  I like being around the people that mean the most to me and making new friends. It sounds cheesy, I know, but I’m just a normal seventeen year old girl from Kentucky that got picked up from the warm, sunny, and beautiful south and  was abruptly dropped into the cold, icy, and snowy north. How does one learn to adapt to the polar vortex she had been dropped into? It’s not easy, let me tell you. But I learned to suck it up and learn a way to keep myself warm and cute while avoiding looking like a giant marshmallow during the winter. So, I decided to teach myself to knit.
    Knitting has been a part of my life ever since I was in the seventh grade. I remember sitting in my living room trying to teach myself to knit from Youtube videos. I sat and tried to meticulously mimic the movements of the women's needles and yarn. Since the seventh grade, I have successfully taught myself to knit most types of scarves, socks, and afghans. Knitting for me is a fun project to work on when you have those days where you just sit on the couch and twiddle your thumbs waiting for your friend to call you up and ask to go to the movies. Knitting for me is also a stress reliever. Whenever I just need quiet time I go into my room and knit until I feel better.       
“Wrapped in Yarn” is a blog with the purpose of teaching, learning, and showcasing my projects. I will be posting tutorials on how to do certain things for knitting like how to do certain stitches, types of yarn I like, etc. I will also be posting pictures of my own projects and ideas I like for future knitting projects. I would absolutely love to see everyone elses’ projects too. So, feel free to send pictures or post comments and suggestions for me to see. I hope you enjoy following my blog! Happy knitting!

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