Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Why should you knit?

Knitting is the best thing anyone could have ever thought of. I mean come one, who wouldn’t want to make their own stuff for cheaper than they could buy it? Unless you’re one of those people who just has to have brand name things. For you people, go ahead and spend fifty dollars on an infinity scarf that I could make for less than fifteen dollars. I mean really, why spend that much money? Knitting can save you tons of money in the winter. The typical Hollister scarf would cost you $30-$50. I could buy everything to make that scarf for less than fifteen dollars and have fun while making it. 
Don't you always feel more accomplished when you do something for yourself instead of having mommy or daddy buy it for you? Every time I wear a scarf I made, or wrap up in a big blanket that was made by me, it's personal. I always think to myself, "Wow, I actually can't believe that I made this." It's also great when someone complements you on something you made because you don't have to say "Oh, thanks. I got it at Target." You can proudly say "Thanks, I made this." It makes you feel accomplished.   
 Knitting is also a great stress reliever. If you’re having one of those days where you just want to rip out your hair because work was stressful or you failed a test at school, just sit down and knit. Trust me. I don’t know what it is, but I swear yarn has calming powers. Anytime I’m having a bad day, I just curl up on the couch or in front of the fireplace and just knit my worries away. 
Another reason to knit is to spend time with friends or family. I am part of a knitting club at my church. Yes, I’m only seventeen and knit with a bunch of little old ladies ( no judging). But hey, it’s fun! It’s fun to see what everyone else is making and show off what you’re making also. I also knit with the women in my family. Occasionally, we’ll sit down with hot chocolate or coffee and knit together telling how our days went or just anything that comes to mind. It’s a great way to get away from working and make time with your family and friends.    
        There are so many reasons I knit. Now it’s time for you to find your reason.

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